bwFLA Demo – Emulation as a Service (EaaS) and Digital Art Curation

bwFLA Demo – Emulation as a Service (EaaS) and Digital Art Curation

Finally, a first semi-public demo instance is available to the OPF community. The current version features

– an overview on basic emulation services; different emulator + OS platforms are available for testing. The next bwFLA release will feature a sophisticated user management, i.e. users can start with a base image, clone this image as a dedicated user machine and further develop it to a dedicated rendering environment for certain digital artifacts;

– bwFLA / EaaS as a digital curation tool for dig. art by the example of Transmediale ( CD-ROM art.

Access to the demo is password protected. Password and a quick overview of the demo features can be found in the members-area of the wiki:

If you are interested in the bwFLA workflows, our current use-cases and yet unreleased bwFLA features join the Webinar held by our dear college Annette on Tuesday, March 26 2012 at 12:00 BST / 13 CET.

Please register at:


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