Company Information

Our visiting offices are in Greenock, Scotland, UK and Den Haag, The Netherlands.

Registered status

The Open Preservation Foundation is a company, limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 7203470. Our registered office address is 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LH, United Kingdom. Our UK VAT number is 989770340.

Stichting Open Preservation is registered as a foundation with the Kamer van Koophandel, company number 73318191. Our registered office address is Open Preservation Foundation NL, Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2595 BE Den Haag. Our Dutch VAT number is 859457990B01.


Please do not write to us at these addresses, you can find our postal addresses under Contact Us.

The OPF operates as a not for profit organisation. Our members are bound by the terms set out in our Articles of Association.