Reviewers wanted for eArchiving specifications

We kindly invite you to review the following eArchiving specifications. Originally created by the E-ARK project and enhanced and stabilised by the E-ARK4ALL project, these specifications are a core component of the CEF eArchiving Building Block.

The specifications are being released for review in two groups. The Common Specification for Information Packages and the Common Specification for Electronic Records Management Systems are now available for review. Please see below for a short overview of the specifications and links to the relevant documents.

The second group of specifications will be released for review towards the end of 2018. This group includes the E-ARK SIP, E-ARK AIP, E-ARK DIP, the review components of the Common Specification SIARD and Geodata specifications.

How do I provide feedback?

Please provide your feedback on the specifications on this page:

The closing date for the review is 24 February 2019.

Specifications for review

Common Specification for information Packages (CS IP)
The core of the eArchiving specifications is the Common Specification for Information Packages. This delivers a basic core specification providing a necessary minimum for institutions across Europe to securely package their data, and then customise their data as required. For CS IP we would like you to review the full document and give comments on its principles and structural requirements in Part 1 as well as the implementation in Part 2.

Common Specification for Electronic Records Management Systems (CS ERMS)
For CS ERMS we would like you to review the new XML-schema. The draft of the CS ERMS document is supplied as a supplementary document for understanding the XML-schema as well as the schema generated documentation.

Please submit all feedback at by 24 February 2019.



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