The Open Preservation Foundation is pleased to announce that the Arlington PDF Model Checker powered by veraPDF has been released! Arlington is an invaluable resource for anyone developing or testing PDF tools.
Building on the great work done by the PDF Association supported by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), veraPDF has developed an open-source PDF checker based on the Arlington PDF Model. This application is separate from the veraPDF PDF/A and PDF/UA validator but comprises a very familiar package of GUI and command-line applications as well as a Docker-based REST API and online web demo.
veraPDF support for the PDF Arlington model
The PDF Arlington Model covers the requirements of the PDF object model as specified in ISO 32000-2:2020 (PDF 2.0, including resolved errata) as well as some (but not all!) aspects from earlier Adobe PDF references and various extensions. It is based on its own formal grammar and serialised as a set of TSV files (see also the Arlington Model Notes). References to Tables and clauses below all refer to ISO 32000-2:2020.
veraPDF adds the support for this model by translating TSV files into its own profiles based on veraPDF formal grammar for veraPDF rules. See the veraPDF GitHub repository for Arlington for the implementation details.
The installer for the GUI and CLI version 1.26 of the veraPDF Arlington Model checker can be downloaded here: veraPDF Arlington 1.26. There are other release builds which can be found in the release folder.
We invite the community to download and test the release. Please report bugs on the veraPDF Arlington issue tracker on GitHub or contact us with any feedback or questions.
Docker image and REST API
Docker image veraPDF/arlington for veraPDF Arlington implementation of the REST API and web demo is available at DockerHub. The image provides services that receive PDF in the request, perform its check against a specified Arlington profile and serve up XML or JSON depending upon the content type requested.
Public web demo
The public web demo available at https://arlington.verapdf.org is based on the Docker image veraPDF/arlington and is only intended to be used for testing.
Our thanks go to all contributors, particularly the Dual Lab development team, for their work on this release.
About veraPDF
veraPDF is an open-source PDF/A validator covering all parts of the PDF/A and PDF/UA (Matterhorn Protocol Machine failure conditions) standards. Originally funded by the PREFORMA project, veraPDF has been sustained and maintained by the Open Preservation Foundation since 2017. Dual Lab provides active user support and carries out maintenance and bug fixes. The PDF Association’s PDF/A Technical Working Group continues its role in resolving ambiguities arising from veraPDF’s usage in the field.
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veraPDF is free to download, use and modify to meet your needs. However, there are ongoing costs to host and maintain it. If you use veraPDF, please consider supporting its development by becoming an OPF member or making a donation.
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